Hunt Club es un thriller de acción protagonizado por Mena Suvari, Casper Van Dien y el nominado al Premio de la Academia Mickey Rourke. Está dirigida por Elizabeth Blake-Thomas (Just Swipe), basada en un guión de David Lipper (The Unwilling) y John Saunders (Beach Massacre at Kill Devil Hills). Leí el título y la sinopsis… Continue reading HUNT CLUB
Day: April 11, 2023
Hunt Club is an action thriller starring Mena Suvari, Casper Van Dien, and Academy Award nominee Mickey Rourke. It is directed by Elizabeth Blake-Thomas (Just Swipe), based on a screenplay by David Lipper (The Unwilling) and John Saunders (Beach Massacre at Kill Devil Hills). I read the title and the synopsis, and it sounded very… Continue reading HUNT CLUB