Micheal Peña es una estrella en A Million Miles Away disponible ahora en Amazon

Hay una amplia gama de biopics (significa “película biográfica”, según nfi.edu) y, a veces, reciben un golpe por varias razones de los espectadores, ya sean críticos reales o no. José Hernández, nacido en California, autor de sus memorias “Reaching for the Stars” (2012), y ha sido adaptado para la pantalla por Bettina Gilois, Hernán Jiménez… Continue reading Micheal Peña es una estrella en A Million Miles Away disponible ahora en Amazon

A HAUNTING IN VENICE Finally Scores A Win For Branagh in His Poirot Series.

Kenneth Branagh has devoted several of his recent career years to adapting some of Agatha Christie’s mysteries, which only means he loves the source material. While I moderately liked Murder on the Orient Express but was not impressed with his take on Death on the Nile, I attended this screening with tempered expectations. Thankfully, this… Continue reading A HAUNTING IN VENICE Finally Scores A Win For Branagh in His Poirot Series.

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