‘Sight, starring Greg Kinnear and Terry Chen, is a profoundly moving film that chronicles the extraordinary life journey of Dr. Ming Wang. This true story follows an impoverished Chinese prodigy who escapes the hardships of Communist China to become a trailblazing eye surgeon in America. The film shines a light on Wang’s remarkable resilience and… Continue reading Sight: An eye-opening story of hope
Day: May 24, 2024
Movie Review: FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA Delivers Action Galore, But Falls A Little Short When It Comes To Its Story
Furiosa is one of the more highly anticipated movies I was expecting in 2024. Director George Miller, the filmmaker who has helmed every single installment of this franchise, has consistently delivered exciting and riveting films. Furiosa is no exception; however, considering that this movie is intended to give a more fleshed-out backstory of the character… Continue reading Movie Review: FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA Delivers Action Galore, But Falls A Little Short When It Comes To Its Story