As the story unfolded and the comedic moments started to hit, there was something very familiar about this movie. And then, when comic/actor Katt Williams shows up, it confirmed exactly what I suspected. One of Them Days is the unofficial offspring of the Friday movies. I am not saying that the film exists in the… Continue reading Movie Review: ONE OF THEM DAYS Revives A Fun But Familiar Comedy Formula
Day: January 16, 2025
Movie Review – Alarum – A Great Cast in This Spy Thriller – Who is Double Crossing Whom?
Directed by Michael Polish (Terror on the Prairie, Force of Nature), from a script by Alexander Vesha (“Alert: Missing Persons Unit” TV series, Deadly Impact), Alarum is a good spy thriller, but not an “edge of your seat” thrilling experience despite the talented cast. The story is not hard to follow, like other spy movies… Continue reading Movie Review – Alarum – A Great Cast in This Spy Thriller – Who is Double Crossing Whom?
Crítica de película – Wolf Man: Remakes no satisfacen todo los fanáticos de los clásicos, pero es bueno
Hay múltiples historias sobre el Hombre Lobo en las últimas décadas y los detalles están disponibles en una búsqueda en línea que describe la historia. Se han hecho varios intentos, y el más reciente está dirigido por Leigh Whannell a partir de un guión que coescribió con Corbett Tuck. Para 2025, la sinopsis es muy… Continue reading Crítica de película – Wolf Man: Remakes no satisfacen todo los fanáticos de los clásicos, pero es bueno
Crítica de película – Alarum – Un gran elenco en este thriller de espías – ¿Quién traiciona a quién?
Dirigida por Michael Polish (Terror on the Prairie, Force of Nature), a partir de un guión de Alexander Vesha (serie de televisión “Alert: Missing Persons Unit”, Deadly Impact), Alarum es un buen thriller de espías, pero no una experiencia emocionante a pesar del talentoso elenco. La historia no es difícil de seguir, ya que es… Continue reading Crítica de película – Alarum – Un gran elenco en este thriller de espías – ¿Quién traiciona a quién?
AFF 2024: Spetember 5 – a tense take on Munich 1972
At first glance, ‘September 5’ might complement Spielberg’s Munich, both films addressing the tragic hostage crisis at the 1972 Olympics. However, Tim Fehlbaum’s intense drama zeroes in on a different angle: the ethical and logistical challenges faced by journalists trying to cover an unprecedented act of terrorism as it unfolded live. Set entirely in ABC’s… Continue reading AFF 2024: Spetember 5 – a tense take on Munich 1972
Movie Review: UNSTOPPABLE Is A Genuinely Inspirational True Story
In 2011, college wrestler Anthony Robles won an NCAA National Championship in his weight class for Arizona State University. While this might sound like a standard, uneventful story, the fact is that he accomplished this honor with only one leg. Robles was born with only one leg and had to grow up with this limitation,… Continue reading Movie Review: UNSTOPPABLE Is A Genuinely Inspirational True Story
Movie Review: WOLF MAN Lacks The Necessary Bite To Make It Memorable
After filmmaker Leigh Whannell delivered such a great reimagining of Universal’s The Invisible Man, I hoped his take on the Wolf Man would have the same, or even more significant, impact. However, after I came out of the press screening of his latest remake of a Universal monster property, I was utterly disappointed. Though Whannell… Continue reading Movie Review: WOLF MAN Lacks The Necessary Bite To Make It Memorable
Movie Review: NIGHT CALL
The feature debut from writer and director Michiel Blanchart and his co-writers, Gilles Marchand and Laurent Brandenbourger screened the action/thriller Night Call in various film festivals around the globe, including Fantastic Fest this past year. I found the film’s script engaging, especially when the film is in full action, as well as the dramatic scenes… Continue reading Movie Review: NIGHT CALL