By Renee’ Collins

Rating: 4 (Out of 5 Reels)

The usual characters are back in this latest installment of the X-Men franchise. The actors chosen to portray the main characters in first few films were well chosen.  However, the more recent selection of younger actors to portray the same characters has given a new life to this franchise. Also, more of the characters are being written into the latest films together which allows for more depth because they each have their own stories to tell.

The nemesis here is Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac) who wants nothing more than to rule the entire world.  He is awakened from a pyramid collapsed tomb and systematically searches for the most powerful mutants to make his allies and do his bidding.

The standouts for this reviewer are James McAvoy as Professor Xavier and Michael Fassbinder as Magneto because they both are great actors and do well with these roles. Casting Sophie Turner as the younger Jean Gray is absolute genius because she is perfect for this role and this film critic looks forward to seeing more of her in the future.

Fans of this franchise will enjoy this latest version which will surely make millions. The visual effects here are fantastic and seeing it in 3D is worth the price.  However, this film is a bit too long and would have been better if the story had been cut by about half an hour.

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