
Emmageddon is the debut feature film written and directed by Ryan M. Moore, who has several award-winning short films to his credit. The feature film debuted in 2020 at the Toronto Independent Film Festival and continued the festival circuit in the United States and the United Kingdom.

About: Struggling screenwriter Emily, who works in a gelato shop, writes a screenplay about a struggling screenwriter named Emma. She works in a coffee shop and is secretly a superheroine named Emmageddon.

Emily (Bre Mueck, “Dear White People” TV series) attends a screenwriter’s writing group session with several people led by John (Daniel Robaire, “Modern Family” and other TV series). John is a total jerk to those in the group who share their work, making them feel below par. Robaire is very good in this role as the group leader (the character you can learn to dislike immediately), and he is secretly working for a villain.

When John has been ugly to Emily, a fellow writer from the group, Dylan (Matthew Luret, “Emily in Paris” TV series), seeks her out to discuss the group and other things. Their visit is positive. Emily notices a change in their writer friend in the group, Sarah (Evelyn Lorena). Emily becomes concerned enough to investigate the behavior. While Dylan and she seem to make a solid connection, he is unaware of the investigation. When Emily appears to become distant unexpectedly, he finds himself in a bind with John and other men in black when he does not stay away from Emily.

This film leans more toward the drama and Sci-Fi it is described as and not so much toward the comedy. I do not recall any comedic dialogue, but some scenes appear humorous (although I do not think they were all intended to be that way). Some actors’ performances are spot-on for the characters, and others need more effectiveness or over the top.

The film is a good indie film that may interest writers of any type who want to learn what the villain in this story wants from this group. I have tried not to spoil this very much. As this is now available on TUBI, this is a good opportunity to watch this filmmaker and the actor’s talents.

Producers: Stephanie Guerrero, Ryan M. Moore, Bryan Murphy
Additional cast: Karl Hamann, and Cameron Britton, among others

Runtime: 90 min

Emmageddon is streaming free on TUBI as of December 2023.
Source: Cranked Up Films

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