By Renee’ Collins Rating: 3.5 (out of 5 Reels) Having recently seen Ben Affleck’s Argo, in a way, I expected another interesting and suspenseful film.  The only problem is that I knew the outcomes for both movies.  I am a regular watcher of CBS Sunday Morning and saw the story about the real life person, Tony… Continue reading Review: ZERO DARK THIRTY


By Mark Saldana Rating: 4 (Out of 4 Stars) Two great thrillers about historical C.I.A. operations were released recently to much deserved acclaim.  On one side of the coin is Ben Affleck’s Argo, an exciting, but more sensationalized movie account of the Canadian Caper which aided the U.S. embassy members trapped in Iran in 1979.… Continue reading Review: ZERO DARK THIRTY


By Mark Saldana Rating: 2.5 (Out of 4 Stars) Gangster movies have come a long way since Paul Muni portrayed the title character in Howard Hawks’ Scarface and James Cagney chewed scenery aplenty in The Public Enemy and White Heat.  In fact, those classic crime stories play out somewhat cartoonishly after Frances Ford Coppola and… Continue reading Review: GANGSTER SQUAD

News/Local Events: Volunteers Sought for SXSW 2013

Austin, Texas- January 7, 2013 – Every March it seems as if the whole world descends on downtown Austin.  What is this invasion of celebrities, techies and musicians? Find out firsthand by volunteering at South by Southwest (SXSW) Music, Film and Interactive Conferences and Festivals! See what happens behind the scenes, earn a chance to… Continue reading News/Local Events: Volunteers Sought for SXSW 2013


By Laurie Coker Rating: A Ah, the randomness of nature, it never ceases to amaze and stupefy even experts. When in Japan a few years back, my cohort of twenty teachers on a seminar there had to be evacuated from Okinawa early because of an oncoming monsoon. As disappointed as I felt, having to miss… Continue reading Review: THE IMPOSSIBLE


By Laurie Coker Rating: C- I have followed Matt Damon’s career, along with Ben Affleck’s, since their coupling in Good Will Hunting. Both have grown wonderfully as actors and men. Affleck’s Argo sits near the top of my best of list this year, but alas, Damon’s offering, Promised Land hardly qualifies to sit anywhere near… Continue reading Review: PROMISED LAND