The animated feature film by Latvian director Gints Zilbalodis (Away, 2019) is dialogue-free. Why, may you ask? There are no humans in this film, and the story’s star is a black cat who seems to have been living with humans in a lovely home. What remains is what they left behind. Zilbalodis co-wrote the script with Matiss Kaza. The cat appears to be having a peaceful day, but that does not last long as other animals show uneasiness and concern. When the cat is aware that the land he is used to walking on has excess water covering it, changes must be made. While the film begins with the lone cat, it does not take long to discover a connection with others and the will to survive.
The animation is beautiful, and the lack of dialogue does not lessen the enjoyment of watching this adventure. Aside from the animals, there is interesting architecture and other sights to enjoy.
Perched above water on the only spot nearby, the cat sees a sailboat floating along with a calm capybara. As they drift together, they see others – a dog, a bird, and a lemur who join them. It may be awkward initially for them, but they begin to rely on each other. As with most relationships, there is time to learn about each other and adapt to make the best of it, including food. One thing I found very interesting was watching the bird take a leadership role on the sailboat. It knows how to navigate them and while that may sound outlandish, I was so immersed in the story that I did not stop to question the bird’s ability in the moment. Each animal has a personality, depicted as they sail along together. Learning to get along seemed easy, yet we see so many films where the humans seem to fight about everything and everyone’s differences along the way. How can we survive?
About: From the boundless imagination of the award-winning Gints Zilbalodis (Away) comes a thrilling animated spectacle and a profound meditation on the fragility of the environment and the spirit of friendship and community. Steeped in the soaring possibilities of visual storytelling, Flow is a feast for the senses and a treasure for the heart.
Producers: Gints Zilbalodis, Matiss Kaza, Ron Dyens & Gregory Zalcman
Original Score: Giants Zilbalodis & Rihards Zalupe
2024 / Latvia, France, Belgium / 84 minutes
Nominee: Best Film & Best Animated Film 2024 European Film Awards®
Official Entry: Latvia Best International Feature 97th Academy Awards®
Annecy Animation Festival: 4x Award Winner: Audience Award, Jury Award, Special Prize Best Original Music, and Gan Foundation Award
The film opens in Austin on December 5 at the AFS Cinema and Alamo South Lamar. Visit their websites.
Source: U.S. Distributor: Sideshow/Janus Films