By Renee’ Collins

Rating: 4 (Out of 5 Reels)

After getting in a car accident, a Michelle (Mary Winstead) is held in a shelter with Howard (John Goodman) and Emmett (John Gallagher, Jr.), who claim the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack (IMDB).This film unexpectedly takes the audience on a rollercoaster ride. The tension of the situation between the characters and the action is wound so tight coupled with the sound effects being purposefully loud most will jump in their seat at certain times. Goodman portrays a complete and utter nut job that spent all of his money obsessing over building his bunker to survive a chemical attack which also pushed his family away.

This film is visually well made especially toward the end of the film and the sound is definitely its own character in a way. Winstead should also be mentioned for her convincing portrayal of a woman trying to figure out the situation she is forced into and somehow survive. This film is not for the faint hearted due to the overall tension but it is a rare thing to be guessing what is going to happen next because most films are not written as well as this one.

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