SXSW 2025 Movie Review: Remaining Native – Documentary wins Two Awards at the Festival

Directed by Paige Bethmann and featuring Kutoven Stevens, Delmar Stevens, Misty Stevens, and Lupe Cabada, Remaining Native was offered to audiences in the Documentary Feature Competition section at various times and theaters during the SXSW Film & Television Festival. It was a film I had highly anticipated viewing during the festival after reading the introduction to it before the festival. Although I did not see it during the festival’s opening night, I did view it. I learned about Kutoven, also known as “Ku” and his journey towards his long-term goals as a runner in higher education at the university level. I also heard the story of his great-grandfather and his experience with the Indian boarding schools. This screening was not my first experience viewing films about stories from children who were taken from their parents, but the film hit me hard, as did the other stories that are now being told. This film is an excellent documentary about a teenager’s life, his family, and his goals, as well as much that is conveyed from archival photos incorporated into this film. Stevens knows his family history, and the film captures the success of his efforts.

Synopsis: Ku Stevens (17) is the solo runner at his high school with no coach. Living on the Yerington Paiute reservation in Northwest Nevada, he needs to be seen more by his dream school, the University of Oregon. As Ku trains, unreconciled emotions unearth the memory of his great-grandfather, Frank Quinn. At 8 years old, Frank ran 50 miles across the desert to escape an Indian boarding school. Frank’s story becomes interwoven with Ku’s journey to run a collegiate qualifying time. Will Ku outrun his history, or will he learn to run in parallel with it to achieve his dreams?

A press release was received from the festival about Paige Bethmann’s film winning a Special Jury Award in the Documentary Feature Competition. The following is a statement from the festival regarding Remaining Native and the filmmaker: “Paige Bethmann magnetically examines North America’s abusive Indian boarding school programs through the eyes of her impassioned subject, Kutoven Stevens. The director’s vivid use of montage, searing archival imagery, and Stevens’s poetic narration build a powerful narrative around him. Stevens’ love of running brings him closer to his great-grandfather’s legacy while allowing him to use his voice as a force for good in his community.”

In addition to this, Remaining Native also won the Documentary Feature Audience Award. The film was also a nominee for the SXSW Grand Jury Award – Documentary Feature.

Producers: Jessica Epstein, Paige Bethmann, Judd Ehrlich, Run Time: 85 mins

As of this article, three more screenings are scheduled for other states after this festival in Texas. For those dates and times, and further information, including the filmmaker and team, visit

On March 9th, the feature documentary film partnered with Nike Running to host a 5K run in Austin led by documentary participant and Native American distance runner, Kutoven Stevens, alongside Nike Running. There was a post-run celebration at Maňana Coffee with live music, coffee, Indian tacos, Nike product demos, and Powwow Dancers from the Austin Powwow Committee.

Source: SXSW,

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