Now I know, in the past, that I have poo-poo’d several Jennifer Lopez movies, particularly those of the romantic-comedy variety. I simply was not entertained, on top of the blantant transparency that those stories and plots offer. As usual, I kept an open mind when going into the screening of J-Lo’s newest movie Shotgun Wedding.… Continue reading SHOTGUN WEDDING
Day: January 27, 2023
Robert Caro es el escritor ganador del Premio Pulitzer de “The Power Broker” y también autor de cuatro volúmenes de Los años de Lyndon Johnson. Ha estado escribiendo diligentemente el quinto volumen de LBJ. Caro tiene 86 años. Robert Gottlieb ha sido el editor principal de Caro desde 1970 y fue editor en jefe de… Continue reading TURN EVERY PAGE
Robert Caro is the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer of “The Power Broker” and also writer of four volumes of The Years of Lyndon Johnson. He has been diligently writing the fifth volume of LBJ. Caro is 86. Robert Gottlieb has been Caro’s primary editor since 1970, and is the former editor-in-chief at Knopf. Gottlieb is 91.… Continue reading TURN EVERY PAGE
Hollywood tends to rehash things – similar stories, sequels, and remakes seem to be the norm. Perhaps there is a generational thing that makes this acceptable. Remakes of stories like television’s Wonder Years or of foreign films like 2016’s A Man Called Ove – from a novel – into Hollywood’s version A Man Called Otto… Continue reading SHOTGUN WEDDING
Decir que hay muchas películas de comedia romántica sobre bodas es exacto y la actriz/actriz musical, productora y empresaria Jennifer Lopez ha protagonizado su parte de películas sobre amor, romance y bodas que no siempre se suman a los momentos más felices. Después de todo, la mayoría de las relaciones no son 100% felices y… Continue reading SHOTGUN WEDDING
Bill Nighy (Love, Actually) interpreta a Williams, un anciano de la tercera edad que vive una vida muy tranquila: va a trabajar todos los días y regresa a casa donde reside con su hijo casado y su esposa. El papel de Nighy como gerente del Departamento de Obras Públicas del estado en la década de… Continue reading LIVING
Bill Nighy (Love, Actually) stars as Williams, an elder senior citizen who lives a very quiet life – goes to work daily and comes back home to where he resides with his married son and wife. Nighy’s role as a Public Works Department manager for the state in 1950s London is so vastly different from… Continue reading LIVING