Radical premiered at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival in January. The film is written and directed by Christopher Zalla (Sangre De Mi Sangre), who adapted the screenplay for Radical from the 2013 WIRED Magazine article by Joshua Davis, titled “A Radical Way of Unleashing a Generation of Geniuses.” The article is about a teacher, Sergio… Continue reading Sundance Award Winning Film, Radical, Arrives in US Theaters after Debut in Mexico
Day: November 3, 2023
Quiz Lady: A Hilarious Quest of Laughter and Family Ties
The wild and whimsical world of ‘Quiz Lady,’ directed by Jessica Yu, unfolds with a delightful focus on the intricate tapestry of its lead’s fractured family life rather than the traditional pursuit of victory in a game show. Screenwriter Jen D’Angelo (“Hocus Pocus 2”) injects a generous dose of humor into the charades-based final round,… Continue reading Quiz Lady: A Hilarious Quest of Laughter and Family Ties
THE HOLDOVERS Is Alexander Payne’s Love Letter to 1970s Cinema
After filmmaker Alexander Payne successfully worked with actor Paul Giamatti in the critically acclaimed Sideways, it was inevitable that this pairing would reunite at some point. Well, that time has finally arrived, and cinephiles are all the better for it. With Payne’s latest movie, The Holdovers, casting Giamatti proves to be a no-brainer, as this… Continue reading THE HOLDOVERS Is Alexander Payne’s Love Letter to 1970s Cinema