Ordinary Angels is based on a true story, a family drama directed by Jon Gunn (The Case for Christ, Like Dandelion Dust) based on the screenplay by Meg Tilly (Winnetka Road) and Kelly Fremon Craig (Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, The Edge of Seventeen). Ordinary Angels stars two-time Academy Award® winner Hilary Swank… Continue reading ORDINARY ANGELS
Day: February 23, 2024
Ordinary Angels está basada en una historia real, un drama familiar dirigido por Jon Gunn (The Case for Christ, Like Dandelion Dust) basado en el guión de Meg Tilly (Winnetka Road) y Kelly Fremon Craig (Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, The Edge of Seventeen). Ordinary Angels está protagonizada por la dos veces ganadora… Continue reading ORDINARY ANGELS
Drive-Away Dolls
The trailer for Drive-Away Dolls, directed by Ethan Coen, made me highly anticipate viewing the film since 2023, when it was first scheduled to open. With the fabulous cast attached to the film, it was hard not to want to view what this crime comedy is about and what is in the darned silver briefcase.… Continue reading Drive-Away Dolls
Pepe Serna: Life is Art Documentary available on Digital
The documentary by first-time director Luis Reyes, Pepe Serna: Life is Art, was first screened in theaters in film festivals, including the Austin Film Festival and subsequently the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival and San Diego Latino Film Festival. Someone unfamiliar with the actor’s name initially may need help remembering who he is. Still,… Continue reading Pepe Serna: Life is Art Documentary available on Digital
Drive-Away Dolls
El tráiler de Drive-Away Dolls, dirigida por Ethan Coen, me hizo tener muchas ganas de ver la película desde 2023, cuando estaba previsto que se estrenara por primera vez. Con el fabuloso elenco adjunto a la película, era difícil no querer ver de qué se trata esta comedia criminal y qué hay en el maldito… Continue reading Drive-Away Dolls
El documental Pepe Serna: Life is Art disponible en plataformas digital
El documental del director debutante Luis Reyes, Pepe Serna: Life is Art, se proyectó por primera vez en cines en festivales de cine, incluido el Festival de Cine de Austin y posteriormente el Festival Internacional de Cine Latino de Los Ángeles y el Festival de Cine Latino de San Diego. Alguien que no esté familiarizado… Continue reading El documental Pepe Serna: Life is Art disponible en plataformas digital