In 2022, the original Danish film, Speak No Evil, made a significant impact on horror fans with its unique elements. It is a psychological thriller that gradually transforms into a terrifying nightmare. However, a more Americanized version of this film has been created, possibly for commercial reasons, and is now showing in theaters. Having watched… Continue reading Movie Review: SPEAK NO EVIL (2024) Is Not Exactly The Same Film As The Original
Day: September 13, 2024
Movie Review: MY OLD ASS Tugged On My Heart Strings
We have all had that feeling: what if my older self could advise my younger self on what not to do? This scenario is the entire premise of My Old Ass. What would you tell your younger self to avoid, if you could, to make your life so much better? The reality is that sometimes… Continue reading Movie Review: MY OLD ASS Tugged On My Heart Strings
Movie Review: Look into My Eyes – Interesting Topic for a Documentary That Shows Humanity
For a film that follows a group of New York City psychics, the documentary titled Look into My Eyes might give the impression these psychics might be using hypnosis or other methods with their clients. Despite the brief synopsis, I was unsure what content to anticipate from director Lana Wilson (Miss Americana, “Pretty Baby: Brooke… Continue reading Movie Review: Look into My Eyes – Interesting Topic for a Documentary That Shows Humanity
My Old Ass: Light-hearted and poignant
My Old Ass is a refreshingly unique coming-of-age film that blends lighthearted rom-com energy with surprisingly deep self-reflection. Directed by Megan Park, the movie follows Elliott (Maisy Stella), an 18-year-old ready to leave her small Canadian town for the big-city life in Toronto. After taking mushrooms on her 18th birthday, Elliott encounters her 39-year-old self… Continue reading My Old Ass: Light-hearted and poignant