Lost in the Shuffle is an engaging and thought-provoking documentary that seamlessly blends magic, history, and a touch of mystery. Directed by Jon Ornoy, the film is led by two-time world champion magician Shawn Farquhar, who expertly takes viewers on a fascinating journey through the history of playing cards and their unique relationship with magic.… Continue reading Lost in the Shuffle: a mystery and history in slight of hand
Day: September 16, 2024
Austin Screening Pass Giveaway: THE WILD ROBOT
TVR is giving away passes (good for two people) to an advance screening of this movie in Austin, TX, scheduled for Monday, September 23, 7:00 p..m. at Regal Gateway (9700 Stonelake Boulevard,Austin, TX 78759). NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY. Must be 17 or older to enter. See this movie early and free of charge before it… Continue reading Austin Screening Pass Giveaway: THE WILD ROBOT