“After the Rapture, those left on Earth will suffer in silence” – from the film title card Synopsis – In a world where no one speaks, a mysterious, devout community hunts down a young woman named Azrael (Samara Weaving) who has escaped their imprisonment. Recaptured by its ruthless leaders, she is to be sacrificed to… Continue reading Movie Review: IFC Films/Shudder Release Azrael in Austin, TX Theaters – Horror on All Levels
Day: September 27, 2024
Crítica de película en Fantastic Fest: A Different Man: Que hace que un hombre tenga éxito
La comedia oscura del guionista y director Aaron Schimberg, A Different Man, presenta a dos hombres con neurofibromatosis. Aunque cada uno tiene la misma condición médica que cambia su rostro, ambos adultos no son iguales. ¿Por qué? Su enfoque de la vida y las diferencias de personalidad con respecto a la apariencia pueden ser parte… Continue reading Crítica de película en Fantastic Fest: A Different Man: Que hace que un hombre tenga éxito
Fantastic Fest 2024 Review: WILL & HARPER
Comedian/actor Will Ferrell met writer Andrew Steele when he got his big break as a performer on Saturday Night Live. The two entertainers not only became creative partners, but they also became the best of friends. This relationship would endure the tests of time and a major change that Andrew undertakes with his life. Andrew… Continue reading Fantastic Fest 2024 Review: WILL & HARPER
Fantastic Fest 2024: Overall Review
What is arguably the most popular genre film festival returned to Austin, Texas, during the last two weeks of September. Hosted by the Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar (in Austin, Texas), Fantastic Fest 2024 treated its attendants to a diverse array of films and tantalizing teases of television programs that are due to be released soon,… Continue reading Fantastic Fest 2024: Overall Review