REVIEWED BY: CINEMA LATTE GRADE:  1 out of 5 reels UPC: 815300011218 RELEASE DATE: February 12, 2013 DISC INFORMATION: 1 disc, widescreen, color RUNNING TIME:  81 minutes SPECIAL FEAUTURES:  Theatrical trailer RATED: G GENRE: Family/Horror STARRING:  Ciara O’Hanion, Christopher Fazio, Mikayla Ottonello, Claude McDonald, Phil Babcock, Janis Gow, Dalton Mugridge, and a Tarantula named Spidey-Fantastic.

Coming Soon to DVD/Blu-ray: LES MISERABLES

From Universal Home Entertainment and Moroch: The Global Musical Phenomenon Starring Oscar® Nominees Hugh Jackman & Anne Hathaway Oscar® Winner Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried   Nominated for Eight Academy Awards® Including Best Picture and Winner of Three Golden Globe Awards® Including Best Motion Picture –                          … Continue reading Coming Soon to DVD/Blu-ray: LES MISERABLES


By Mark Saldana  Rating: 3 (Out of 4 Stars) Horror-lite for teens seems to dominate at the box office now.  Following the success of the Twilight saga, the imitators have arrived trying to cash on this genre as well.  Two weeks ago, the zom-rom-com, Warm Bodies, opened and this week (February 14), the wiccan version… Continue reading Review: BEAUTIFUL CREATURES


By Mark Saldana  Rating: 3.5 (Out of 4 Stars) Steven Soderbergh might be Hollywood’s most versatile filmmaker.  With over twenty feature films on his resume, spanning multiple genres, Soderbergh plans to retire soon. Following the release of his latest theatrical feature Side Effects, the director will finish post-production work on his television movie Behind the… Continue reading Review: SIDE EFFECTS