The information I received for the horror film titled Beaten to Death states “Rating: Not Rated,” but there is no doubt in my mind to warn viewers that this film is not for the faint of heart, no matter how many horror films a viewer thinks they have seen. I have seen several horror films, but this one does not let up on the violence and gore. I will stop with the adjectives, but you get the drift of how bad the assaults are. What remains surprising is how the protagonist can survive it all in various scenes in Australia. Don’t let the lovely sunsets lull you into thinking living in the country is fun. Of course, if a horror movie fan enjoys the ultra–violence in their films, this is one to watch.

Filmmaker Sam Curtain co-wrote the screenplay with Benjamin Jung-Clarke, and he is the editor and cinematographer.

Synopsis: Beaten to Death unfolds after a desperate choice leads a man named Jack down a path that leaves him beaten and bruised as he struggles against man, nature, and his insanity. Stranded in the middle of nowhere after barely surviving a horrific assault, Jack encounters one local after another and quickly learns that a sick game of cat and mouse is about to begin. Battling the deranged country psychos and the harsh landscape, Jack must go to extreme lengths to survive.

As the film begins, Jack (Thomas Roach) receives a beating from Ricky (Justan Wagner), who appears twice Jack’s size. Jack’s wife, Rachel (Nicole Tudor), lies on the ground close by, motionless. Jack manages to strike back at Ricky, tries to help Rachel, and seeks any assistance. He has forgotten how rural Australia really is and how the landscape and its inhabitants can be. I am picking my words to avoid spoilers in this review, but spoilers are provided on the web if someone wants to get more description of Jack’s pain.

The story is not linear, so even if the film starts with this couple facing a man the size of a bear, there are flashbacks to give the audience a glimpse of the couple’s life before they took the journey to rural Australia. The cinematography is excellent, and the beauty is opposite the horror.

Beaten to Death screened at the New York City Horror Film Festival (December 2022) and won awards in two categories: Thomas Roach (Best Actor) and Best Feature. There is no doubt why Roach was nominated and received the award after his portrayal of someone surviving the array of trauma, although he appears suicidal at times. Wagner and David Tracy’s performances are also noted as effective as the soulless individuals confronting Jack.

It screened at the Popcorn Frights Film Festival (Florida) in mid-August. This Australian horror feature opens in theaters on September 1.

Run Time: 90 Minutes
Source: Welcome Villain Films

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