Austin Film Festival 2022: NANNY

An immigrant’s experience in America is just as unique as anyone’s life is anywhere. And that is the main takeaway I drew from watching this unique and sometimes bewildering film by writer/director Nikyatu Jusu. Jusu’s Nanny paints a portrait of a character struggling with her new life in America, working as a domestic, while clinging… Continue reading Austin Film Festival 2022: NANNY

Fantastic Fest 2022: BONES AND ALL

From acclaimed director Luca Guadagnino comes his adaptation of the 2015 horror/romance novel of the same name. Though I have not read Camile DeAngelis’ book, Bones and All, and knew absolutely nothing about the story, I attended this Fantastic Fest screening simply because it was directed by Guadagnino. After having much admiration for some of… Continue reading Fantastic Fest 2022: BONES AND ALL

Austin Film Festival 2022: GLASS ONION: A KNIVES OUT MYSTERY

For the closing night film of this year’s Austin Film Festival comes the excitedly-awaited sequel to Rian Johnson’s acclaimed murder mystery Knives Out. Well, as most people expect, sequels are not usually as good as the first movie that preceded them. And that is actually the case with Glass Onion. However, Rian Johnson has lots… Continue reading Austin Film Festival 2022: GLASS ONION: A KNIVES OUT MYSTERY

Austin Film Festival 2022: THE INSPECTION

Writer/director Elegance Bratton uses his first narrative feature film to tell his true story. Bratton, who had a rough life as a gay man raised by an ultra-conservative mother, found himself homeless and struggling to survive as a young adult. Totally lost and not knowing what to do with his life, he decides to enlist… Continue reading Austin Film Festival 2022: THE INSPECTION