By Renee’ Collins

Rating: 2.5 (Out of 5 Reels)

Actors Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton have been in a multitude of films; some great and others not so great.  A self-centered realtor enlists the help of his neighbor when he’s suddenly left in charge of the granddaughter he never knew existed until his estranged son drops her off at his home (IMDB).

No chemistry between neighbors Douglas as Oren Little and Keaton as Leah is a big part of the problem with this film.  In addition, the plot is tired, boring and has seemingly been done a million times and even the best acting could not save And So It Goes.  Some may find it surprising that Keaton actually has singing ability but her character is an emotional mess which is understandable in a way because she has never gotten over her husband’s death.  Douglas portrays an exceedingly convincing old curmudgeon who is set in his ways and has written off his son completely until he is forced to take care of his grandchild, Sarah, excellently portrayed by Sterling Jerins.

Since this is a slice of life rom-com there are no special effects to see here and director Rob Reiner has produced great work in the past, but most are probably longing for him to hit the mark again with the likes of a Princess Bride.  Hoping for more than the hum drum is fruitless as And So It Goes is too mundane and predictable.  Waiting for this one on Netflix is recommended.

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