By Renee’ Collins

Rating: 4 (Out of 5 Reels)

A former neurosurgeon (Benedict Cumberbatch) embarks on a journey of healing only to be drawn into the world of the mystic arts (IMDB).

Doctor Strange is the latest superhero character addition (as well as a few sidekicks) to the film genre from the Marvel Comics world. The visual effects in this film, not unlike other Marvel films, take the viewer on a wild ride to literally several levels. At first it can be visually jarring but gets easier as the film progresses. This film is on Earth but these characters possess supernatural powers and as always some use that power for good and some for evil. Hence, let the drama unfold.

Cumberbatch is the perfect choice for this role and does a great job unveiling his Dr. Strange superhero character because the writing is well done. There is comedic relief just where it is needed which keeps everything moving along at a smooth pace. Many will recognize Cumberbatch from his previous film and television work especially his role as Sherlock Holmes in the BBC television series Sherlock of which this film reviewer is a great fan.

This film is entertaining on a visual and character development level. Plus, we can look forward to more into the future because Dr. Strange will be woven into the subsequent Marvel superhero films. This type of visually intense film is best seen on the big screen better yet at the IMAX theater.

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