By Renee’ Collins

Rating: 4.5 (Out of 5 Reels)

As my readers know, I am a total and complete science-fiction junkie and nothing would have prevented me from seeing this film.  I had never read the book and didn’t know much about the plot which is exactly the position I like being in going to see a film because I will have no pre-conceived notions.  The International Military seek out a leader who can save the human race from an alien attack (IMDB).

I kept asking myself where I had seen the main character, Ender Wiggin (Asa Butterfield) before and then it donned on me it was in Hugo a wonderful film about the origins of the craft of filmmaking that came out in 2011.  Butterfield acting is superb and is enhanced even more by Harrison Ford as Colonel Graff, Viola Davis as Major Gwen Anderson, his commanding officers and Abigail Breslin as Valentine Wiggin, his sister.

I found the storyline to be new and refreshing because I don’t remember seeing anything like it in the past.  Experiencing a new plotline in any movie is a big plus in my book because it doesn’t happen too often and I relish it when it does.  This film for me is spectacular from beginning to end and would recommend it to any science fiction fan.  Seeing it on an IMAX screen only enhances the experience.

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