Review: JOBS

By Renee’ Collins

Rating: 5 (Out of 5 Reels)

I didn’t know what to expect going in to see this film but I usually just try to keep an open mind and take everything at face value.  This film is the story of Steve Jobs’ ascension from college dropout into one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of the twentieth century (IMDB).

I believe Ashton Kutcher was perfectly cast in his role as Steve Jobs because his performance drew me not only into this film but into who Jobs was as a creative and innovative person.  This film is wonderfully written and acted because all of the characters are real and have depth, especially Jobs.  I knew Jobs was the creator of Apple and that he started in his parent’s garage and that Steve Wozniak (Josh Gad) was his partner but there is a lot more to the story.  This film draws the viewer into Jobs and Wozniak’s world in the seventies and vividly depicts the humble beginnings of the Apple Corporation.  What is compelling about Kutcher’s performance is that he truly displays Jobs thirst and zeal for his need to be creative and innovative.  Jobs truly had a creative fire that could not be distinguished and thankfully was not to the benefit of mankind.

There are no special effects in this film but it is well made and I was impressed with how the creators handled the slower more contemplative moments.  The camera was constantly moving and I don’t mean in the action film nauseous manner but slow moving action that in my opinion added to the depth of this film.  I find that during those I usually get bored but not here because the viewer is stimulated not only with the story but the visual aspect of this film.

I found this film to be compelling, wonderfully written and acted.  I believe Kutcher may be nominated for an Oscar. I would recommend this film to everyone because it shows us how a creative, single-minded and confident man changed the world.

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