Directed by William Kaufman (The Hit List, Daylight’s End) and based on the script by Kaufman and Paul Reichelt, The Channel starts with a few sweet scenes of a dad and his baby before he goes to work. Soon the audience finds out this is not a job at the local bank but a bank heist. There is a driver of the van and a few gunmen. Going in is easy – but not getting out – and soon learn why.

Jamie (Clayne Crawford, The Killing Of Two Lovers, “Lethal Weapon” TV series) and Mic (Max Martini, 13 Hours, Captain Phillips) star as brothers and former Marines known to be from the Irish Channel. Their military skills are used in their criminal activity in New Orleans. Jamie is the younger brother and is more sensible. Mic takes nothing lightly and is ready to shoot and ask questions later. However different they are, they remain loyal to each other in the heat of the action, however unpredictable Mic is. Jamie has his reasons for trying to stay alive and not be caught. Their performances are great and certainly portray the family bond well.

The action sequences are excellent in that they look authentic or more than other more significant budget films. There is outstanding choreography, and the military dialogue sounds on point, especially with Max Martini’s experience in the film 13 Hours (2016) and his background/work.

The Channel has excellent scenes of the firing match outside the bank with the local law enforcement, which loses several officers in the gun battle. The FBI gets involved, and there is a search, and the local gangs are in pursuit because of their loss of family and members. It does not take long for the FBI to investigate and conclude the criminals have military skills they must be prepared for with fully automatic weapons. The scenes with sulfuric acid can create goosebumps!

Are there a few clichés? Is there some predictability? Neither of these is cause for a dull moment.

The Channel is worth the watch and is available in limited theaters and VOD on July 14, 2023.

Starring Clayne Crawford, Max Martini, and Juliene Joyner.

Runtime: 95 mins

Rating: Not rated

Source: Brainstorm Media

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