Director Christopher Smith (Triangle, The Banishing) co-wrote the script with Laurie Cook (Triangle, Alien Outpost) for Consecration, a horror/thriller film that I found to be more thriller than horror. Yes, there is horror, but not as much as what I had anticipated from watching the trailer. Bloody, yes, but not from heavy gore as seen… Continue reading CONSECRATION
Category: MAIN
Dave Franco typically performs in front of the camera, but his sophomore directorial effort brings audiences a quirky rom/com starring Alison Bree and Jay Elis. Somebody I Used to Know, written by husband and wife team Franco and Bree, is a fun, thoughtful film about self-discovery and love. Franco has a keen eye behind… Continue reading SOMEBODY I USED TO KNOW
I can definitely see people reading the synopsis of this movie and thinking, “Isn’t this the same premise as My Best Friend’s Wedding?” While that sentiment is true, as it turns out, Somebody I Used To Know acknowledges this fact, and delivers something more realistic and genuine. Directed by Dave Franco, who co-wrote the film… Continue reading SOMEBODY I USED TO KNOW
I have seen my share of “narco” movies, and I went into this one with much cynicism that one would expect from a critic who has seen a lot. That said; I found myself compelled and somewhat riveted with the story and characters. I have actually never seen a movie that actually deals with the… Continue reading THE LAST DEAL
Last year’s Academy Awards received an entry from Israel for their Best International Feature Film category. That film is Let It Be Morning. Now, even though I had not watched this award entry last year, for consideration, I was recently given the opportunity to review it for this year’s limited theatrical release in the U.S.… Continue reading LET IT BE MORNING
Director: Lukas Dhont is also a co- writer with Angelo Tijssens for the film Close stars Eden Dambrine as Leo and Gustav de Waele as Remi as the young barely teen friends (13 years old). They live close to each other and have a very close relationship as friends, playing outside together and after helping… Continue reading CLOSE
Our military is invaluable – preserving our rights, protecting our freedoms, and keeping us safe. The soldiers who volunteer to put themselves in harm’s way deserve our respect. We know the stories of the horrors of war, even if we don’t personally experience them, and we have become more keenly aware of the reassimilation issues,… Continue reading THE STALKING FIELDS
Now I know, in the past, that I have poo-poo’d several Jennifer Lopez movies, particularly those of the romantic-comedy variety. I simply was not entertained, on top of the blantant transparency that those stories and plots offer. As usual, I kept an open mind when going into the screening of J-Lo’s newest movie Shotgun Wedding.… Continue reading SHOTGUN WEDDING
Robert Caro is the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer of “The Power Broker” and also writer of four volumes of The Years of Lyndon Johnson. He has been diligently writing the fifth volume of LBJ. Caro is 86. Robert Gottlieb has been Caro’s primary editor since 1970, and is the former editor-in-chief at Knopf. Gottlieb is 91.… Continue reading TURN EVERY PAGE
Bill Nighy (Love, Actually) stars as Williams, an elder senior citizen who lives a very quiet life – goes to work daily and comes back home to where he resides with his married son and wife. Nighy’s role as a Public Works Department manager for the state in 1950s London is so vastly different from… Continue reading LIVING