Check out ROGUE – NEW DIRECT TV Series!

Rogue – DIRECTV Series Airing Wednesdays 9:00 PM! Dynamic Characters, impressive cast and compelling storylines make Rogue a MUST Watch! By: Laurie Coker Rating: A SXSW film offers a plethora of narrative and documentary films, but recently its hosted sneak peeks of television series, like the monumentally popular HBO series Girls. This year I was… Continue reading Check out ROGUE – NEW DIRECT TV Series!

SXSW 2013 Review: You’re Next, Lords of Salem and Cheap Thrills – Laurie’s Take on 3 Midnight Screenings

By Laurie Coker You’re Next – Rating: A Cheap Thrills – Rating: B Lords of Salem – Rating: F- SXSW Film Festival 2013 came to a close for me at 2 AM Sunday the 17th of March. Whew! I took in one more film at midnight at the Alamo Ritz downtown – a screening of… Continue reading SXSW 2013 Review: You’re Next, Lords of Salem and Cheap Thrills – Laurie’s Take on 3 Midnight Screenings


By Mark Saldana Rating: 3.5 (Out of 4 Stars) Scott Weidemeyer (Sam Eidson) lives for writing and developing role playing games. As the “Master” of his weekly gaming group, Scott takes his games way too seriously. So when a new member of the group challenges the master’s authority and game scenarios bringing an element of… Continue reading 2013 SXSW Review: ZERO CHARISMA


By Laurie Coker Rating: D Independence Day meets Die Hard (the first one) is how I describe Olympus has Fallen, a film about a group of Korean rebels who attack the White House and take all key figures captive. Starring Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart, Olympus has Fallen works far too hard to pull on… Continue reading Review: OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN


By Laurie Coker Rating: B- From the opening scene of Admission a new comedy starring the talented and funny Tina Fey and the equally appealing Paul Rudd, I knew I wanted to share clips with my senior students as they prepare to write college essays. More than that, however, because of excellent comic and personal… Continue reading Review: ADMISSION

Review: The Croods

By Laurie Coker Rating: C+ There is great delight in finding a film that pleases the family – all ages. With so few animated features coming out each year – comparably – it’s nice to get one that holds the interest of both my grand kids. With one age eight and the other only two,… Continue reading Review: The Croods