Cine Las Americas 20 Review: DE CHICA EN CHICA

By Mark Saldana

Rating: 3 (Out of 4 Stars)

On Friday night of the festival, I enjoyed this zany LGBT comedy from Spain.  De Chica en Chica (Girl Gets Girl) follows the comic misadventures of Inés (Celia Freijeiro), a lesbian philanderer who has burned too many bridges in Miami, Florida.  She decides to escape the wrath of her multiple angry lovers by returning to home city of Madrid, Spain.  However, this homecoming does not go too smoothly, as some of her angry and bitter lovers from her past life in Spain have not forgotten the pain she has caused.   Inés ends up crashing a party held by her ex-partner Veronica (Cristina Pons) and encounters much ire from her and another former lover named Lola (Sandra Collantes) on whom Inés currently has her sights. The party features a fun assortment of characters, all with their own problems and issues, and pretty much everything goes hilariously wrong because of these dysfunctions.

Written by Olga Iglesias, Cristina Pons, Sonia Sebastián, Angel Turlan, and directed by Sonia Sebastián, De Chica en Chica is a wild and crazy comedy that delivers plenty of laughs, but really is too much for one movie.  As entertaining as most of the scenarios are, the film feels a bit overstuffed with comic situations and probably too many characters that the whole story comes across as outlandish.  It all seems like way too much craziness, and the filmmakers could have eliminated some of the comic moments to achieve a more balanced film with stronger character development.  The movie is still enjoyable and entertaining, but there’s probably enough humor in this ninety minute movie for two different installments.  The movie does have great performances by the entire cast and even features American actress Jane Badler who probably is best known for her role as Diana in the science fiction television series V.  I still recommend this comedy, but with the stern warning that it will leave its audiences somewhat exhausted at the end.

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