Cine Las Americas 22 Review: OCHO DE CADA DIEZ (EIGHT OUT OF TEN)

By Mark Saldana

Rating: 4 (Out of 4 Stars)

From Mexican writer/director Sergio Umansky Brener, comes this dark and gritty tale of vengeance that rings truthfully and accurately, based on the current state of crime and law enforcement in Mexico. Acclaimed actor Noé Hernández stars as Aurelio, a humble father and husband dealing with the recent killing of his teenage son at the hands of Mexican drug cartel. After unsuccessfully attaining the aid of local law enforcement, Aurelio decides to take matters into his own hands. While solely investigating the incident and seeking the people responsible, Aurelio finds soothing and comfort in the arms of a local prostitute (Daniela Schmidt) struggling to survive.

With Ocho De Cade Diez, Sergio Umansky Brener has made a truly affecting and riveting drama. Both Noé Hernández and Daniela Schmidt deliver powerful and poignant performances. The film went on to win the festival’s Jury Award for Best Narrative Feature. Of the films that I saw at the festival, Ocho De Cada Diez is the best narrative feature and my absolute favorite.

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