DICKS: THE MUSICAL Is a Hysterical Farce

Warning: this wildly ridiculous and uproarious musical comedy is not for the faint of heart. It is not for you if you tend to clutch your pearls while watching unfiltered and subversive humor! You have been warned!

Based on the off-broadway musical, F*cking Identical Twins, by Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson, Dicks: The Musical takes the premise of the family movie, The Parent Trap, mixes it with the sharpest social satire, goes super over-the-top, and throws in a dash of Troma, to create what I feel may be the funniest film of the year, so far. Creators Sharp and Jackson star as the musical’s protagonists and take their audiences on one hell of a wild ride. Director Larry Charles loves and respects the material, fearlessly delivers off-color comedy equally blue songs, and allows actors Nathan Lane and Megan Mulally to let their freak flags fly.

Sharp and Jackson star as supposedly identical twins, Craig and Trevor, two misogynistic alpha males who dominate the sales world. The thing is that these two men have no idea that their twins exist. Craig and Trevor were separated shortly after birth, and each one lived with and was raised by one of their bizarre parents. After the douchebags finally discover one another, they become best friends and hatch a wild scheme to reunite their parents. They feel that something is missing from their lives and realize that, despite their narcissism, they long for the family they never had.

I refuse to elaborate any further about this movie because this musical is best enjoyed with all of its shocks, surprises, and insanity completely unspoiled. This entire experience is absolutely bonkers, absurd, and absolutely hilarious. As mentioned above, this movie earns its R-rating, and the filmmakers were unafraid to challenge the Motion Picture Association of America. Troma influences some of the ridiculousness. Still, I also see shades of Trey Parker and Matt Stone (South Park, The Book of Mormon), among other audacious comedians who love destroying conventions.

In addition to Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson’s outrageous performances, the movie boasts gut-busting turns by Megan Mulally and Nathan Lane, who star as Craig and Trevor’s parents, Evelyn and Harris. The film also features fantastic performances by Megan Thee Stallion as Gloria, the twins’ boss, and SNL’s Bowen Yang as God.

Dicks: The Musical opens in theaters and is a movie I highly recommend for people with very flexible and resilient senses of humor. Uptight pearl clutchers, you’d best stay away because you will not enjoy this movie. This movie has some insane, sick, twisted, and ludicrous things happening, which makes it so much fun.

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