Fantastic Fest 2015 Review: IN SEARCH OF THE ULTRA-SEX

By Mark Saldana

Rating: 3 (Out of 4 Stars)

More like a novelty comedy, In Search Of the Ultra-Sex is a clever film project by French filmmakers Nicolas Charvet and Bruno Lavaine who watched over 2500 porn films to compile scenes for a story of their own. And their story definitely sounds like the plot of an adult film.  With the people of Earth overcome with lust, a group of astronauts search space for the Ultra Sex which is the cure to humanity’s desires.  Like I said, the synopsis does sound like the plot of a ridiculous porn film, but Charvet and Lavaine purposely have laughs in mind.

Their film does deliver plenty of hearty chuckles, but not all of the jokes work.  I feel that the novelty of the scenes selected and the silly over-the-top  voice-over work gets a bit old after awhile. Obviously it is not a film for more reserved and conservative audiences, but those types are usually in short supply at Fantastic Fest–not that there’s anything wrong with that.

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