Cine Las Americas 2022: YO Y LAS BESTIAS (ME AND THE BEASTS)

From Venezuela, comes a musical fantasy that pretty a much comes across as an extended musical short. Writer/director Nico Manzano, with Yo Y Las Bestias, has created a visually striking film with very engaging music. However, when it comes to the narrative, that’s where the movie gets rather messy. This is very much an art… Continue reading Cine Las Americas 2022: YO Y LAS BESTIAS (ME AND THE BEASTS)

Cine Las Americas 2022: EL BUEN PATRON (THE GOOD BOSS)

In Austin, Texas, the Cine Las Americas International Film Festival finally returned, after taking a hiatus for the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After cancelling all plans for a 2020 festival, the great people in charge programmed a virtual version in 2021. It was awesome to be back in person, and we,… Continue reading Cine Las Americas 2022: EL BUEN PATRON (THE GOOD BOSS)