The action thriller Mercy, directed by Tony Dean Smith (Volition, The Killer Downstairs), features Dr. Michelle (Leah Gibson, “Batwoman,” “Manifest” TV series) about to end a shift at Mercy Hospital to take her pre-teen son, Bobby (Anthony Bolognese, Alter, Christmas Under the Stars) for a birthday celebration. There is a last-minute emergency that delays the… Continue reading MERCY


El thriller de acción Mercy, dirigido por Tony Dean Smith (Volition, The Killer Downstairs), presenta a la Dra. Michelle (Leah Gibson, “Batwoman”, serie de televisión “Manifest”) a punto de terminar un turno en el Mercy Hospital para llevar a su hijo preadolescente, Bobby (Anthony Bolognese, Alter, Christmas Under the Stars) a una celebración de cumpleaños.… Continue reading MERCY