Por Laurie Coker Clasificación: D+/C- No hay límites en películas y novelas románticas adolescentes estos días. Me encataban libros sobre el amor adolescente en mi juventud, pero no tengo ningún recuerdo de esas historias entre ellas vampiros, zombies y Brujas. El mercado para tal disparate debe ser enorme, porque autores y cineastas se extrae una gran… Continue reading Spanish Review: HERMOSAS CRIATURAS


By Laurie Coker Rating: C- There is no limit on teen romance novels and films these days. I used to eat up books about teen love in my youth, but I have no recollection of such stories including vampires, zombies, and witches. The market for such dribble must be huge, because authors and filmmakers are… Continue reading Review: BEAUTIFUL CREATURES


By Laurie Coker Rating: C- My preference in reading lies in mystery novels and not sappy, heart-wrenching, tortured romance, like those written by Nicholas Sparks, so his latest film, with which he is highly involved, Safe Haven, didn’t have me rushing to the screening. In fairness, I have enjoyed some of his films in the… Continue reading Review: SAFE HAVEN

Spanish Review: Identity Thief

Por Laurie Coker Clasificación: D- No me gustan las comedias tontas y de mala calidad. Ho, sin embargo disfruto de humor inteligente e insípido. Identity Thief, protagonizada por Jason Bateman y Melissa McCarthy, por desgracia, carece de inteligente, y francamente, incluso estos actores cómicos excepcionales no pueden salvar un cuento de camino cansado viaje. Con sólo… Continue reading Spanish Review: Identity Thief


By Laurie Coker Rating: D- I do not like stupid, trashy comedy. I do, however enjoy intelligent, tasteless humor. Identity Thief, starring Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy, unfortunately, lacks intelligent, and frankly, even these exceptional comedic actors can’t save a tired road trip tale. With only the occasional laugh, and I mean OCCASIONAL, director Seth… Continue reading Review: IDENTITY THIEF

Spanish Review: SIDE EFFECTS

Por Laurie Coker Clasificación: B Me gusta un buen misterio, – uno que mantiene mi interés y me mantiene adivinando. Side Effects, protagonizada por Jude Law, Rooney Mara y Catherine Zeta-Jones, proporciona suficiente entusiasmo para satisfacer. Dirigida por Steven Soderbergh, Side Effects parece ser una película que tiene como objetivo hacer que la gente ver y… Continue reading Spanish Review: SIDE EFFECTS


By Laurie Coker Rating: B I like a good mystery, thriller – one that maintains my interest and keeps me guessing. Side Effects, starring Jude Law, Rooney Mara and Catherine Zeta-Jones, provides just enough excitement to satisfy. Directed by Steven Soderbergh, Side Effects appears to be a movie that aims to make people see and… Continue reading Review: SIDE EFFECTS

Review: Warm Bodies

By Laurie Coker Rating: B+ The idea of a teen zombie romance comedy didn’t impress me at first. I’ve had my fill of teen vampire romance, so I wondered whether I should even bother with Warm Bodies. Fortunately, because of a quality script, an engaging cast and excellent direction, Warm Bodies is a funny, smart,… Continue reading Review: Warm Bodies