Loosely based on the true story of a real Civil War era slave who escaped and eventually served as a soldier in the war, Antoine Fuqua’s Emancipation is a movie that obviously makes some embelishment’s on this slave’s harrowing journey to the occasional points of disbelief. The movie sometimes plays out like a tall tale… Continue reading EMANCIPATION


Based on Michael Ausiello’s personal memoir, Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies, director Michael Showalter and screenwriters David Marsall Grant and Dan Savage present the true story of television journalist Ausiello and his romance with photographer Kit Cowan. Even though there have been other, similar stories and movies with similar journeys, the characters and their personality… Continue reading SPOILER ALERT


This week I screened two movies that promise to pay tribute to the magic of cinema by offering glimpses into its history. One particular film goes so hard that it goes over-the-top in moments and overplays the filmmaker’s love and passion for the medium. The other which is this movie, Empire of Light, actually falls… Continue reading EMPIRE OF LIGHT


El drama de Sam Mendes, Empire of Light, está ambientado a principios de la década de 1980 en un pueblo junto al mar. El teatro se ve muy lujoso para la época y era un lugar para ser visto cuando se estrenaban las últimas películas. La jefa de turno, Hilary Small (Olivia Colman) parece haber… Continue reading EMPIRE OF LIGHT


Something from Tiffany’s is directed by Daryl Wein, based on the adapted script is by Tamara Chestna (Moxie, After) from the novel of the same name by author Melissa Hill. I have not read the source novel, but reading the synopsis gives the audience an idea of what will transpire in this film. This may… Continue reading SOMETHING FROM TIFFANY’S


Something from Tiffany’s está dirigida por Daryl Wein, basada en el guión adaptado de Tamara Chestna (Moxie, After) de la novela del mismo nombre de la autora Melissa Hill. No he leído la novela original, pero leer la sinopsis le da al público una idea de lo que sucederá en esta película. Esto puede llevar… Continue reading SOMETHING FROM TIFFANY’S


Emancipation, dirigida por Antoine Fuqua (The Equalizer) se basa en un guión escrito por William N. Collage y está protagonizada por Will Smith como Peter, un hombre de fe esclavizado nacido en Haití con una esposa Dodienne (Charmaine Bingwa) y varios hijos. Parecen estar viviendo lo más tranquilos posible recogiendo algodón para sus dueños en… Continue reading EMANCIPATION


El periodista de televisión Michael Ausiello escribió las memorias en su libro “Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies” en las que se basa la película Spoiler Alert. Dirigida por Michael Showalter (The Big Sick, Hello My Name is Doris), trabajando con un guión de David Marshall Grant (serie de televisión “A Million Little Things”) y Dan… Continue reading SPOILER ALERT